Bsa Family Life Merit Badge Does 4 and 5 Have to Be Different Projects


Apr 29, 2014 - Christine

When my older male child went through Scouts, nosotros owned our home then his project for Family Life #4 was relatively piece of cake to come upward with. At present my youngest is going through the Troop and we hire our home (since July) and we're having some difficulty finding a project to fulfill the requirement. We are unable to paint, plant gardens or change the k, or annihilation that might be considered a permanent change. Everything we've come up with has been shot down by the landlord. Whatsoever suggestions on possible projects would be very helpful and greatly appreciated.

Apr 29, 2014 - Scouter Paul

@Christine - It doesn't demand to be a project of a permanent nature. Our library loans out "Energy Audit" kits which tin can be used to check how much electricity is being wasted past plugged in devices.  Making a plan to minimize your family's electric, water, A/C, heating waste could be a useful project. Clean out your garage or storage area. Sort and pack erstwhile toys and dress to make more room and donate to an organization. Amend security or safety with window alarms, CO monitors, h2o leak sensors by the hot water heater, brighter LED outdoor lights, non-slip surface on outdoor steps, ... and such.

May 02, 2014 - Christine

Thanks very much! We really did the spring cleaning of firm, garage, and storage unit every bit the family project for requirement #5 during spring break. The energy audit and security/safe improvements are definite possibilities to suggest to him.

Aug 08, 2014 - Crystal

Requirement 7a mentions an effective male parent, what if there has never been a male in the family unit. As a single parent I believe I have washed a pretty good chore in guiding and supporting my son in all aspects. Does he overlook this and/or is penalized for not having a male person office model?

Aug 08, 2014 - Scouter Paul

@Crystal - That requirement asks the spotter to come up with his own thoughts on what makes a man an effective male parent.  Expressing his view should help him prepare for that role in the future.  His view comes from what he's seen and experienced, both adept and bad, in real life and media.  Even if he has no male role model in his firsthand family, he has them in other parts of his life such as church building, school, sports, scouting.

Dec 11, 2014 - Lynne

Requirement #5 Since it is winter making it impossible for outdoor work I was thinking of having my sentry organize a family repast with all the family members participating. Too, for #iv I thought organizing and putting away all of the Christmas decorations would be a great winter project. It is quite a chore for united states of america.

Aug 18, 2015 - Tim

Requirement #3 says that my son must exercise his chores for 90 days.   Nosotros went on holiday this summer for two weeks, which fabricated doing his chores impossible.  His Scoutmaster is saying that these 90 days must exist consecutive.  I cannot notice any documentation to back up the SM'southward argument.  Which is it?

Aug xviii, 2015 - Scouter Paul

@Tim - The requirement doesn't say "consecutive", but it does say to proceed a record of how ofttimes the chores are done over that 90 days.  The "go on a tape" part certain makes it seem similar the scout should set bated 90 days and so record how many times the chores are done during those days.
I wouldn't expect every job to exist washed every day fifty-fifty though the requirement says practice them for 90 days, since information technology too says to tape how many times they are done.  For example, taking out the garbage may simply be every few days.
So, existence away from home for two weeks could be counted as function of the xc days only the task record is just all '0's for those days.
By the style, information technology doesn't matter what the scout's scoutmaster says - information technology'southward the merit badge counselor that decides what counts.  With a bit of forethought, the scout could take discussed his planned 90 days that included the vacation with his counselor earlier so they'd both know if information technology would be acceptable or not.

Mar 08, 2016 - Every bit

Can you lot weigh in an opinion about req 6a and 6b?  In 6b, does the spotter discuss the bodily meeting(s) with the MBC?  Besides, the topics are heavy to complete in just one  coming together and heavy for a picket to initiate.  I practice see that in the latest press it says that some items may take identify with parent(s) only.  That is not the issue.  I take a hard time picturing a scout leading the manner for a talk about 1,two,4 and 5.  thanks

Mar 10, 2016 - Scouter Paul

@As - The scout has the discussions with his parent(south) and just needs to let his counselor know they occurred.  A counselor might desire a parent to validate that the conversations happened.
The merit badge counselor gives guidance in #6a to the scout about a family unit coming together.  The topics are ones that parents should be discussing with their son, and I expect the parent would be leading nearly of the discussion on 'heavy' topics.

Apr 22, 2016 - Concerned mom

My son has actually done FL 3 times--ugh!!  We changed troops then our old troop disbanded and we had to re-group.  When he completed the badge this fourth dimension he didn't finish the required xc days during the time the rest of the troop did it.  He submitted his ninety days to the advisor and she rejected it saying it was now besides belatedly since the remainder of the troop had completed it and been awarded the badge.  Is this right?

May thirty, 2016 - Dean Arrowhead

As the Dean of Merit Badges for my commune, the answer is yep and no.  The Counselor has the correct non to sign off on whatsoever requirement.  However, if the chore has been washed and her only excuse is that everyone else is already finished - that is completely lame - find a new merit badge counselor.  Information technology shouldn't matter what whatsoever other picket does - but the individual.

That said, why did he accept to exercise it 3x?  If he has a blue carte du jour already signed off, that should be acceptable - no affair what troop it came from.  Merit Badge Counselors are registered through your district/quango and can counsel any boy from any troop.  Anyone who tells you differently needs to go to a training session.  Once again though, if information technology was a partial, the new MBC has the right non to accept it.  However, if this MBC is being such a stick in the mud about "process" over "content," information technology is time to notice a different counselor and recommend that this ane goes to a training session on how to be a better counselor.

Aug 28, 2016 - Julie

How extensive do the projects have to be?  Our son proposed a project to his MBC about landscaping around our mailbox.  Her response was that planting a few flowers probably wouldn't be adequate enough.  He reiterated that information technology was more than planting flowers.  This child dug up the grass, dug holes, planted plants mulched and watered.  The only help we did was drive him to the nursery.  He took pictures throughout and submitted them, then he was told that it hadn't been preapproved!

Aug 29, 2016 - Scouter Paul

@Julie - Sounds to me like your son came up with a project that benefits his family unit, and that his family agreed with.  There is no stipulation as to the complication or extent of a project, so that'southward a pretty weak reason for the counselor to not approve it, if that was the only reason.

The counselor does need to corroborate what the project is going to exist and shouldn't be expected to accept any chore washed later on the fact.  The sentry should get blessing for the projection from his parents AND his counselor before doing the projection.  Going ahead with a project that the advisor rejected and and so expecting to get credit for it wouldn't work for whatsoever counselors that I know.

Jun xiv, 2017 - Vickie Slaughter

My lookout man has completed his requirements up to Star.  I was told that he will non be able to accelerate any farther as he is but with me during the summertime months and Christmas.  His mother is not interested in having him bring together another troop out of state where he now lives.  I was told that he will non exist able to finish because he will not exist able to complete his leadership requirements at the star level.  Do you take any suggestion?. He is 12 years old and really loves Scouting. He has been in Scouting since the 2d form.

Jun twenty, 2017 - Scouted Paul

@Vickie - The leadership requirements you mention are actually positions of responsibility, not leadership.  One option for that is the scoutmaster may assign him a significant task outside of the normally used positions.  He would talk to his scoutmaster nearly that.
Another option is that the months of holding a position do not need to be contiguous - your son could complete a six month requirement in 2 three-month chunks. That would be worked out with the SPL and scoutmaster.
Your son could also get his driver license equally soon equally possible so he can bring together a troop and transport himself while living away from y'all.

Jun 25, 2020 - Brian

How do y'all bargain with a state of affairs where the lookout but wrote down the chores they did over the by ninety days

Jun 28, 2020 - Scouter Paul

@Brian - Are you asking about requirement #3?  That sounds like what the lookout man is supposed to do.

Aug 23, 2020 - Scouter Lori

One of the purposes of Requirement #3 is to get the scout to learn to go on records besides letting them come across some ways they contribute to the family unit. The first meeting I ask them to come up up with a chart/method and chores and it has to be approved by me. Brushing teeth is not approved,
reading to a piddling brother 2x wk is.  I point out how important for an airplane mechanic to go on records, same with a Dr or at the bank and how when they get a chore some solar day so they get paid properly. It's ok to mark  they were sick and couldn't do whatever chores, or they were out of town, or had besides much homework - merely to simply mark it on the chart. Ideally the scout should marker the chart at end of the day and put post chart some place he/she volition remember to mark information technology - but doesn't commonly happen that way. Every couple of days is more likely. I ask to meet their nautical chart a couple of times during the meetings - to go along them honest/on rail. IF they seem to be fudging, I may ask them about how they were recording, brainstorm with them to come up up with solutions  to do ameliorate and might inquire them to do a couple more weeks of proper recording.  Have done hundreds of scouts and some fudging mutual, reexplain importance of record keeping - when they get their own car/taking medicine/ordering supplies etc.  warranties, etc.
The scouts are pretty practiced - just need to listen to them and explicate purpose and work with them.

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