Master P Guaranteed Success Read Online for Free

Profile Image for Tony Creech.

87 reviews 4 followers

November 10, 2021

While at that place are a couple of questions to yourself in here that can assistance people, this is a book that thinks information technology's done something past saying that in order to achieve your goals, you must have "focus and subject".

Helpful? No. Further the books ends with the line that explains this type of book ( often written by business feel leaders who've made it and retrieve they know why - "focus" - and information technology'southward clear they don't get that other people focus too and have good ideas too - they need to believe they've been chosen for a special purpose) he says that considering he never gave up, success was guaranteed and quotes proverbs proverb that the blessing of the lord makes you rich. Yep. Poor people don't believe in god enough or they never focus or they simply give upward.

Extra points for ending with a hilariously impaired claim that merely god could've connected him to a Robert kioysaki seminar, when god "put real estate investing was on his eye". Just God could accept made you come across a salesman? Peculiarly connected to one of the biggest "people buy business concern communication from us because they think nosotros are successful" groups in the US? Hahaha and he doesn't set up

Don't read this if you want to learn nigh success. this book is a joke and doesn't have wisdom that crosses international boundaries, where it's harder to believe that God has chosen every person (who wants to believe then) for a "special purpose" instead of choosing them manifestly for barely surviving farthermost poverty until being killed for being Christian and not in the Nation of Islam in Northward Africa. It's easy to imagine at that place's a God who cares about your parking spot when y'all're in America or a western state. The realities of life and success must include its variance and edges to stay out of bullshit territory.

it'southward interesting to check out what Master P thinks about stuff similar this (especially for gratis through my aural subscription without spending credits - now that is a hush-hush to success lol )

    Profile Image for KnowledgeSpecter.

    115 reviews

    August two, 2020

    This was a brusk and concise volume that went straight to the bespeak.
    Principal P brought up principles that he used in every chapter. Every chapter concluded with questions to respond.

    I liked that the book was packed with useful data.

    Chief takeaways: always believe in yourself, go on God in your life, value information over coin, always stay learning

      Profile Image for Book Reviews by Tara aka Queen of Memoirs.

      210 reviews 50 followers

      August 17, 2018

      5⭐️s for Guaranteed Success! At only 153 pages, it'due south a small book but it'south packed with a lot of actually proficient information about how to become successful. Although the book was published in 2007, I institute out about information technology about 6 weeks ago. When I ordered it I wondered if the data was going to be dated. However, it was not. Information technology read as if information technology written yesterday (Oh....wait! There is a signal in the book where Primary P lists his role models, and y'all will never estimate who made the list...Donald Trump😡😡. Of class this was written earlier this devil displayed his true intentions to the world. But it still pissed me off none the less). Only a side from that, this book is really informative. I of the best cocky-discovery books I've read in a while. I'm not e'er a fan of books that incorporate a lot of blank infinite for writing. I'thousand not a fan of this for 2 reasons: #ane. I very rarely write in my books, and #2. Blank space can sometimes come off every bit fillers used to increment the length of the book. But this fourth dimension it was different. I actually wrote in this book as l answered well-nigh of the questions. The questions were very thought provoking. Very skilful for self analysis and self discovery.

      Master P is one of the nearly successful moguls in hip-hop. And although I've never really been a large fan of his music, I am definitely a fan of his skills as a business man. I recommend this book to any person looking to amend his or her position in life. It is inspiring and motivating. I'one thousand glad I didn't pass it past. .

        Profile Image for Adam.

        398 reviews viii followers

        May 11, 2021

        This guy'south is underrated and low key equally calculated as he is bright.

        What my 👂 heard ⤵️

        do you consider yourself a success?
        one twenty-four hours we are going to plough that i guy into million's of fans
        a true soldier is prepared for war in a fourth dimension of peace
        if your non passionate it's fourth dimension to reevaluate your motives
        does your attitude concenter success?
        what do you need to understand better?
        hebrews 10:35
        what is hindering your success physical or mental
        if you lot merely do it you don't accept to worry almost getting it done
        notice people can get really creative when it comes to making excuses
        failure is success when you learn from it
        money can be multiplied but time cannot
        cocky-uncertainty is a outcome of a negative attitude
        success increases when inventiveness expands
        never turned down a customer if I don't have it today I will accept it tomorrow
        proverbs x:22

          February 10, 2021

          Information technology was decent. I read in a little over an hour. Master o has always fascinated me as how he came to larn wealth and maintain it. Self help books tin can be preachy or too unachievable but this was ok. Non really what I thought. Thought there would exist a little more than backstory on certain aspects of his career, merely ok overall.

            March 22, 2017

            This was somewhat disappointing simply for the fact that I was expecting it to be more about Master P's "story" and how he congenital his empire.

            Instead, information technology was simply by and large about positive thinking, affirmations, "rah rah" believe in yourself type of stuff. Nothing wrong with that type of material; in fact I believe there's a place for it. However, considering at that place are others who excel much meliorate at that blazon of content, this doesn't measure up.

              Profile Image for Tresvon.

              x reviews

              May 7, 2020

              Accept in how much this human has washed. Professional person NBA basketball role player, paved and alter the style music was viewed from the s, multimillions in real estate. I mean, he definitely has something to say and nosotros all should listen. This was an easy read with some assignments at the end of each affiliate

                Profile Image for Sheldon Woodson.

                half-dozen reviews

                Jan xiv, 2020

                This book pb me to greater books on success that has me at present on a mission to call back success, alive success, and run across the desires formulated in my heed in the physical world. Give thanks you Master P!!

                  June 25, 2021

                  This book helped me brand a listing and have a look at things and people in my life that may be stopping me from reaching my goals.

                    Profile Image for Brian Taylor.

                    65 reviews one follower

                    Edited March 17, 2012

                    I am fascinated by many things. People who make groovy success of their life in the midst of great odds happen to be i such thing. That's why I establish myself drawn to the book Guaranteed Success: When You Never Surrender, by the Wealthy Son Percy Miller. Most know him by his stage name Chief P. Having come in the poverty stricken streets of New Orleans, Louisiana, Master P reveals the strategies that were instrumental in taking him from poverty to prosperity.
                    Anyone who knows me knows that for years I've been a big fan of Robert Kiyosaki and his Rich Dad Series. Seeing the similarities between the struggles Robert faced and the determination he had to make between those two ideas almost money from his 2 dads, and seeing what influenced Percy Miller to become the human that he is today will resonate with anyone who knows the plight of not having been born with the proverbial "silver spoon." They take both seen the life they were born into versus the life they desired to have and set out to build that very life and lifestyle that allows them to do what they desire. Seeing how Percy's faith, the short comings of finances in the family he grew up in, besides every bit his own motives for growing from a street kid to a male monarch in the boardroom is inspiring.
                    Why You'll Love This Book:
                    • It's Not Over the Elevation: There are many books that deal with success and Life. Very few, however are written in such a fashion that you detect yourself relating to the author and seeing yourself really achieving it besides. You lot aren't confounded past over the summit principles. Everything he shares is something yous may already exist aware of merely merely didn't know how information technology all fit together.
                    • Information technology'southward Applied: There is nothing worse than having read something, and in one case you lot've finished you don't have a clue where or how to utilize what you just read. The principles share in this volume volition brand it then easy for you to say, "I can do this."
                    • It's Direct: Master P cuts through the fluff, puff and smoke and lets you know with common sense and life experience what will motility you from where you are to where you desire to be.
                    • It'due south Relevant: If y'all're looking for something that is relevant to your present circumstances, this book is absolutely packed full of strategies to help you get to the identify you desire. Whether you want to be wealthy, retrieve that yous are wealthy or actually are wealthy, this book is relevant to you.
                    Whether you want to inspire yourself or someone y'all know who is a fan of Primary P, this book is leap to exist a smashing read for you or that special person in your life. You lot'll find that how he defines success, how he explains what the keys are that atomic number 82 to information technology, as well every bit what volition hinder you lot from achieving information technology is all helpful in guiding you to obtaining it. Throughout each chapter, likewise as at the cease of them you will find that he has purposefully placed thought provoking questions intended to cause y'all to reflect, analyze, and take action toward an intended end; your personal success goal.
                    Pay close attending equally he shares pointers on how your motives, attitudes, the things that can and do hinder you, all have their place in your success or lack of information technology. As yous read this book, strategize and layout your blueprint for your success. Once y'all have information technology, put information technology into action and meet your life equally y'all always dreamed it to exist. Your success is guaranteed when yous never give up.

                    QUESTION: What would your life look similar with guaranteed success?

                      Profile Image for Douglas.

                      182 reviews 79 followers

                      Edited November 17, 2007

                      At the moment, I am trying to gobble everything and anything about how to get successful. I effigy that all the overlapping themes are key areas for me to focus and remind myself as I move forward as a broker during these tough times.

                      The book was a lightning fast read. In all honesty, I was skeptical about learning from a hip-hop primary, but I countered myself with P Miller is worth more Jordan, then it never hurts to hear what he has to say.

                      A straightforward read, with no real ghetto talk. A quick narrative nearly his life and how he made his decisions. Looking back, the decisions seemed so 'any' but as someone about to go through it, the process is an emotional roller coaster.

                      Surprisingly, P. Miller's emphasis is on the aggregating of knowledge and applying it to get you lot where yous desire to go.

                      The book is filled with places to write to help you go aware of yourself so you lot tin brand changes.

                      Overall, a worthwhile read.

                        Profile Image for Nandi Crawford.

                        329 reviews 124 followers

                        Currently Reading

                        December 5, 2007

                        Similar the beau, I am always interested in improving myself and this volume is very good. Not merely do you lot just read, just you also get to write in your comments and reasons equally to why success is eluding y'all or what y'all demand to do to make it happen. Yet reading

                        Profile Image for Adrienna.

                        Author 17 books 224 followers

                        Jan 17, 2009

                        What I liked almost nigh this volume, his inspirational story and gives God the credit for his success. I was amazed to see this throughout his book.

                          Profile Image for 100BusinessGirls.

                          2 reviews 1 follower

                          Apr 9, 2015

                          Great book for writing down your plans and to map out your journeying to success. Plenty of examples, questions, bully tips, and quotes. I've always been an admirer of Master P.

                            February nine, 2016

                            Good interactive book which helps you know more nearly yourself in a way, and makes you have action.

                              Profile Image for Charlene Bond.

                              one review

                              Edited September 17, 2018

                              Very proficient book, I loved the follow forth questions to respond while reading forth.



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