what to take to help heal a knee injury

How Long Does a Knee joint Injury Take to Heal

Knee injuries aren't uncommon for athletes and runners. While getting injured is all part of the game, your journey to recovery shouldn't be a difficult one.If you've suffered a knock to your human knee before, yous'll be familiar with how information technology disrupts your everyday life. This may have made you more cautious, but it'southward impossible to completely avoid getting injured once again. The best way to safeguard confronting articulatio genus injury is to better empathize its causes and hazard factors. This explainer aims to arm you with this knowledge and outline sport injury recovery times and both conventional and culling treatments.

Different Types of Knee Injuries

The knee is a complicated articulation and therefore (unfortunately) there are many ways in which you can injure it.


Connective tissues, or ligaments, are what agree your knees together. If they tear, they tin result in sprains that restrict your movement. At that place are four major ligaments in the articulatio genus, with the Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) (which connects the thigh bone to the shin bone), the most commonly injured. Sprains tin can be classified into Grade i, 2, or 3 depending on the severity of the tear. The college the course, the greater the extent of the tear and the more unstable the human knee. Torn ligament recovery time ordinarily lasts for around six weeks.


When the muscles surrounding the knees are stretched, it can lead to strains. Aside from being painful, they can as well cease you from moving freely. The normal range of motion of the knee is often disrupted in such cases.


The fluid, protective pouch around the knee is chosen the bursa. When this becomes infected or irritated, it's chosen bursitis. Bursae are an important part of the knee joint because they blot shock and eliminate friction between the muscles.

Meniscus tears

A meniscus is a one-half-circular cartilage that absorbs daze and acts every bit a cushion betwixt the knee and the thigh bone. Tears in this area are usually caused by overuse and aging.

Joint dislocation

If a large amount of strength is applied to the knee, it can be dislocated. When this happens, the blood vessels and nerves surrounding the area tin can be damaged too. You should seek immediate handling or surgery for a joint dislocation.


If there is a direct blow to the bone using farthermost force, it could crack. Fractured kneecaps near usually occur when someone uses their knees to break a fall. People with osteoporosis or low os density are more decumbent to suffer from fractures because their basic tend to be more brittle and fragile.

What Causes Knee Injuries?

More often than not, knee injuries are acquired past overexerting the knee or the areas surrounding it. While doing sports, athletes could possibly bend or twist it in such a way that a muscle tears or a bone breaks. Accidents involving high amounts of force such as motor vehicle crashes can as well crusade knee injuries. Having certain diseases such equally osteoporosis, arthritis, or joint disease can also increase one's chances of injuring their knees. Though it is impossible to completely avoid injury, hither are several risk factors that could increase the chances of genu injury:

Human knee Injury Risk Factors

  • Sports - Many sports require movements that place added stress on your knees Skiing, for example, can lead to stress on the knees due to the restricted movement of your feet. Another instance is basketball where players have to pivot and spring. These sudden and repetitive movements tin put stress on the knees.
  • Previously injured knee - If y'all've already hurt your genu once, then it may not be as potent as it was before. Unfortunately, this could brand it easier for you to hurt your genu again.
  • Excessive weight - If you put on a lot of weight, your bones take more than work to do to support that mass. For those who are very overweight, even ordinary daily activities tin cause wear and tear on the knees.
  • Weak muscles - A lack of strength and flexibility in your muscles can also contribute to knee injuries. Stiff muscles protect basic and joints. Aside from this, they as well make yous very stable and balanced, thereby decreasing the risk of falls.
  • Gender - Women are more likely to develop knee injuries simply because of how their bodies are built, for example, the fashion their hip os is attached to the thigh os and the fact that they deport greater mass on the lower body.

How Long Does a Knee Injury Take to Heal?

For articulatio genus sprains or strains, the healing fourth dimension is typically 2 to four weeks. For major injuries as a result of trauma, it can take from 4 upward to 12 months. Of course, this healing time would be dependent on the treatment being administered and the lifestyle of the patient. How can I tell if my knee injury is serious? There are several means to tell if your knee injury needs serious medical attention:

How can I Tell if my Knee Injury is Serious?

There are several ways to tell if your knee joint injury needs serious medical attention:

  • You heard a popping audio correct after an incident - This sound is created by ligament tears or dislocated kneecap.
  • Your human knee looks deformed - This is a symptom of a fractured or dislocated kneecap.
  • You can't straighten your leg or put weight on it - There may be a fracture on your kneecap or tear in the tendon.
  • Your knees are weaker than usual - If they keep buckling underneath the usual amount of weight yous deport, and then information technology's possible that yous may have an ACL tear or another class of ligament injury.
  • You have a greater range of motion - Are your legs bending in a different mode than usual? This may seem like a good thing simply this can also indicate that at that place is a dislocation or tear around your knee.

What is the Recovery Time for a Human knee Injury?

Knee injury healing time varies, depending on the gravity of the injury and the treatment used on the patient. Afterwards your articulatio genus has healed, you should also requite information technology time to residual and recover. Unfortunately, a torn ligament treatment is dependent on how much time you requite it to recover and then avoid putting too much stress on it too soon.

For sprains, information technology can take up to a month for the knee to fully recover and information technology may not be appropriate to engage in sports or concrete activities for up to another calendar month subsequently that.

The same rule applies for traumatic injuries. In some cases, you may also choose to undertake a physical rehabilitation program which might last several weeks, or several months, depending on the type of injury sustained.

Helping Your Knee to Recover After Injury

Most people wonder if articulatio genus injuries can heal on their own. The answer is yes, but it depends on the type of injury. If you simply strain or sprain your knee, information technology tin heal by itself if you permit information technology time to rest and repair.

Major injuries such as ligament or cartilage tears may crave surgery. In many cases, however, fifty-fifty surgery doesn't completely fix the problem and the knee doesn't return to its original good for you state. An alternative treatment is stem cell-based therapy, which regenerates the genu and its functionality at the cellular level.

Can Human knee Injuries be Prevented?

Unfortunately, no matter how much we effort to exist careful, there is always the hazard of an innocuous incident or unlucky accident causing a human knee injury.

Notwithstanding, nosotros can take precautions to decrease the run a risk of injury or prevent the wear and tear of the protective layers around our knees. Here are some practical tips to lower the chances of hurting your human knee:

  1. Article of clothing protective gear
    If you regularly play sports or work in an industry that causes a lot of stress on your knees, make sure to clothing protective gear. Don't forget to wear proper shoes, preferably ones that blot shock which put less stress on your knees.
  2. Strengthen your muscles with exercise
    In that location are many types of exercises which help you lot prevent knee injury. You can do squats, lunges, and other stretching exercises. It'due south especially important to do this before and after a workout or other extreme physical activities.
  3. Empathise your limits and have a balance
    Understanding your limits doesn't but apply to people who accept been injured. If you play sports or go to the gym frequently, make certain you know your limits and give yourself time to rest. Your musculus repairs itself during that fourth dimension and fatigue can also cause yous to exist less careful, which tin can lead to accidents.
  4. Better your posture and exercise technique
    Sometimes we may be doing our exercises the wrong mode. The wrong posture while doing squats or lunges can cause additional stress on our knees. Ask your trainer or passenger vehicle for assistance to ameliorate your posture or technique.
  5. Eat nutrient rich in vitamins
    Feast on meat, fish, shellfish, seeds, nuts, whole grains - foods rich in Zinc which helps in healing wounds. Fruits and vegetables with a lot of vitamin C also speed up recovery and prevent inflammation.

Can Knee Injuries be Reversed?

The human body tin do wonders, but sadly, major trauma can sometimes cause irreparable damage. Surgery and taking pain medication tin simply do then much merely it doesn't fully restore the articulatio genus to its original form.

This is where stem-cell based treatment can help with its regenerative qualities. Acquit in mind that each case still needs to be evaluated. The proficient news is that the inclusion of stem prison cell therapy for knee injuries and os degeneration in recovery programs, like the one we take at ANOVA Institute for Regenerative Medicine, has given hope to patients who need a faster and long-term solution for their injuries.

News & Insights

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  • Individually planned diagnostic work-up which include world-class MRI and CT scans
  • German language high quality standard on safety and quality assurance
  • Personal service with friendly, dedicated Patient Intendance Managers
  • Scientific collaborations with bookish institutions to assure you the latest regenerative medical programs


Source: https://anova-irm.com/en/media-information-news/research-news-blog/recovering-from-a-knee-injury

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